
Live Intraday Price Action Trade on Silver

I wanted to share a video of an live price action intraday trade on Silver I took, showing the result from my brokers chart (chart below). In the video I explain my entry, exit, stop, limit and the price action analysis of why I took the trade, why I continued with the trade and where I exited the trade.

live intraday price action trading silver dev2ndskies.wpengine.com nov 19th

For those wanting to learn to trade price action, access to the traders forum, lifetime membership & more, visit my Price Action Course page here.

11 replies
  1. Timothy Kiroga
    Timothy Kiroga says:

    Hi Chris, am a newbie and am looking forward to joining your class not long hence. I’ve enjoyed following you on this trade.

  2. Jyoti
    Jyoti says:

    Hi Chris,
    Simple yet very powerful lession. I found your video very useful.

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