
(Video) Mental Toughness for Trading: Do You Have What It Takes?

This is a sample from the Advanced Traders Mindset course.
This clip is an exercise in visualizing mental toughness, and how it applies to both the real world as well as in trading.

4 replies
  1. Orlando Batista
    Orlando Batista says:

    Thanks Chris. I truly am learning a great deal from you. Every day since I started to learn to trade, I go between wanting to celebrate and wanting to cry. It truly is rubbing up against all of my fears and all of beliefs. I feel mostly exhausted everyday after I leave my computer but I will either succeed or I will succeed. Thanks for being a great mentor.

    • Chris Capre
      Chris Capre says:

      Hello Orlando,
      A very honest self-reflection. It’s important not to wrap so much emotion into our results because that will be a roller coaster and is focusing on the things of lesser importance.
      Are you in the ATM Course?
      Just curious as I think you’d benefit from it tremendously based on what you said.
      Kind Regards,
      Chris Capre

  2. Orlando Batista
    Orlando Batista says:

    I am in the Price action course and making my way through that currently. I will register for Mindset course once I get through the training. Thanks again Chris

    • Chris Capre
      Chris Capre says:

      Ahh ok roger that.
      Keep me apprised and when you’re ready, the ATM course will be here.

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